How a Company's Website Helps Attract and Retain Top Talent

How a Company’s Website Helps Attract and Retain Top Talent

In the competitive landscape of talent acquisition, a company’s website plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining top talent. Your website is often the first point of contact potential employees have with your brand. A well-designed, informative, and engaging website can significantly impact your recruitment efforts. At Masthead Technology, we understand the importance of leveraging your website to build a strong employer brand. Here’s how your website can help attract and retain top talent, reduce hiring time, lower cost per hire, and decrease turnover rates.

The Power of Employer Branding

Significant Impact on Hiring

According to LinkedIn’s study, 72% of recruiting leaders worldwide agreed that employer brand has a significant impact on hiring. A strong employer brand communicates your company’s values, culture, and mission, making it more appealing to potential candidates. It sets you apart from competitors and creates a positive perception of your organization.

Investment in Employer Brand

The study also found that 59% of recruiting leaders worldwide are investing more in employer brand. This investment is not just about marketing; it’s about creating an authentic representation of what it’s like to work at your company. By showcasing your company’s strengths, achievements, and employee testimonials, you can build a compelling employer brand that attracts top talent.

Top Channels for Employer Branding

Company Website as a Key Channel

The top three channels SMBs plan to extend their employer brand are the company website (69%), online professional networks (61%), and social media (47%). Your website is a central hub where potential candidates can learn about your company, its culture, and job opportunities. It’s essential to have a dedicated careers page that highlights what makes your company a great place to work.

Candidate Research Habits

LinkedIn’s study reveals that 52% of candidates first seek out the company’s site and social media to learn more about an employer. This highlights the importance of keeping your website updated with relevant information, engaging content, and easy navigation to provide a positive candidate experience.

Benefits of a Strong Employer Brand

Attracting Top Talent

A well-established employer brand can attract 75% of job seekers who consider an employer’s brand before even applying for a job. By showcasing your company’s culture, values, and employee experiences on your website, you can draw in candidates who align with your mission and values.

Increasing Qualified Applicants

There’s ample evidence that a great employer brand makes it easier to recruit and impacts the business’ bottom line in more than one way. For most companies, these numbers can equate to millions of dollars in savings and reduced time to recruit. Companies with a strong employer brand see 50% more qualified applicants, making the recruitment process more efficient and effective.

Reducing Hiring Costs

A strong employer brand can lead to a 50% reduction in cost-per-hire. By attracting more qualified candidates through your website, you can reduce the need for expensive recruitment campaigns and third-party hiring services. This results in significant cost savings and a more streamlined hiring process.

Faster Hiring Process

With a compelling employer brand, companies experience a 1-2x faster time to hire. A well-crafted careers page and positive online presence can expedite the decision-making process for candidates, leading to quicker hires and less time spent in the recruitment cycle.

Reducing Turnover Rates

Employee Retention

A strong employer brand doesn’t just attract top talent; it also helps retain them. Companies with a robust employer brand see a 28% reduction in turnover. When employees feel connected to your company’s values and culture, they are more likely to stay, reducing the costs associated with high turnover.

How to Optimize Your Website for Employer Branding

Showcase Company Culture

Use your website to highlight your company’s culture through blog posts, videos, and employee testimonials. Share stories that reflect your workplace environment, team dynamics, and company events.

Highlight Benefits and Opportunities

Clearly outline the benefits, career development opportunities, and unique perks your company offers. Make sure this information is easily accessible on your careers page to attract potential candidates.

Engage with Visual Content

Incorporate visual content such as photos and videos to make your website more engaging. Visuals can provide a more authentic glimpse into your company’s work environment and culture, making it more relatable for potential employees.

Streamline the Application Process

Ensure that the application process on your website is straightforward and user-friendly. A complex or lengthy application process can deter potential candidates. Use clear instructions and provide an easy-to-use interface.

Maintain an Active Blog

An active blog that covers industry insights, company news, and employee achievements can enhance your employer brand. It shows that your company is knowledgeable, engaged, and values its employees.


A well-designed company website is a powerful tool for attracting and retaining top talent. By building a strong employer brand, you can reduce hiring time, lower cost per hire, and decrease turnover rates. At Masthead Technology, we specialize in creating websites that enhance your employer brand and support your recruitment efforts. Contact us today to learn how we can help you build a website that attracts top talent and drives your business forward.


How does a website help attract top talent? A website provides a platform to showcase your company’s culture, values, and job opportunities, making it more appealing to potential candidates.

What are the benefits of a strong employer brand? A strong employer brand attracts more qualified applicants, reduces hiring costs, speeds up the hiring process, and lowers turnover rates.

Why is employer branding important? Employer branding builds credibility and trust, making your company more attractive to job seekers and helping you stand out from competitors.

How can I improve my employer brand through my website? Highlight company culture, benefits, and opportunities, engage with visual content, streamline the application process, and maintain an active blog.

How does a strong employer brand reduce turnover? Employees who feel connected to your company’s values and culture are more likely to stay, reducing turnover and associated costs.