What Job Seekers Want to Find on a Company's Website

What Job Seekers Want to Find on a Company’s Website

In today’s competitive job market, your company’s website is a crucial tool for attracting top talent. Job seekers often turn to company websites as their first stop to learn about potential employers. To make a strong impression and attract the best candidates, it’s essential to provide the information they’re looking for. At Masthead Technology, we specialize in creating compelling websites that meet the needs of job seekers. Here’s what job seekers want to find on your company’s website.

1. Company Culture

Insights into the Work Environment:

Job seekers want to get a feel for the company culture. Include content that showcases your work environment, team dynamics, and daily operations. Use photos, videos, and blog posts to give a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to work at your company.

Values and Mission:

Clearly communicate your company’s values and mission statement. Job seekers are looking for employers whose values align with their own. Highlighting your company’s mission and core values helps candidates understand what drives your organization.

2. Career Opportunities

Current Job Openings:

Make it easy for job seekers to find and apply for current job openings. List all available positions with detailed job descriptions, required qualifications, and application instructions. An intuitive job search function can help candidates quickly find roles that match their skills and interests.

Career Pathways:

Provide information on career development opportunities within your company. Job seekers want to know that there is room for growth and advancement. Highlight training programs, mentorship opportunities, and potential career paths to show how they can progress within your organization.

3. Employee Testimonials and Stories

Authentic Voices:

Share testimonials and stories from current employees. This gives job seekers a genuine perspective on what it’s like to work at your company. Videos, interviews, and written testimonials can all be effective ways to showcase employee experiences and satisfaction.

Diverse Perspectives:

Highlight diverse voices and experiences within your company. Job seekers want to see representation and know that your company values diversity and inclusion. Featuring a variety of employee stories can demonstrate your commitment to a diverse workplace.

4. Benefits and Perks

Comprehensive Benefits:

Clearly outline the benefits your company offers, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. Job seekers want to know what kind of support they can expect from their employer.

Unique Perks:

In addition to standard benefits, highlight any unique perks your company offers. This could include flexible working hours, remote work options, wellness programs, or professional development opportunities. Unique perks can set your company apart and make it more attractive to potential employees.

5. Company Achievements and News

Recent Achievements:

Share news about recent company achievements, awards, and milestones. This not only highlights your company’s success but also shows job seekers that they could be part of a winning team.

Press Releases and Updates:

Regularly update your website with press releases and news articles. Keeping your site current with the latest company news helps build credibility and shows that your company is active and thriving.

6. Application Process

Clear Instructions:

Provide clear and concise instructions on how to apply for positions. Outline the application process step-by-step, from submitting a resume to the final interview stages. This helps manage candidate expectations and reduces confusion.

User-Friendly Application Form:

Ensure that your application form is user-friendly and mobile-responsive. A complicated or lengthy application process can deter candidates. Keep it simple and streamlined to encourage more applications. Integrating your application form with 3rd application tracking systems will help you keep track of candidates. Reach out if you need help setting this up!

7. Contact Information and Support

Easy Access:

Make it easy for job seekers to get in touch with your recruitment team. Provide clear contact information, including email addresses and phone numbers, and consider adding a live chat feature for real-time support.

FAQ Section:

Include a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section that addresses common queries about the application process, company culture, and job requirements. This can save time for both job seekers and your HR team.

8. Company’s Social Media Links

Social Media Presence:

Link to your company’s social media profiles. Job seekers often turn to social media to get a sense of your company’s personality and culture. Active and engaging social media profiles can complement the information on your website.

Employee Engagement:

Showcase how your employees interact with your company on social media. This can provide additional insights into your company culture and highlight employee satisfaction and engagement.


Providing the right information on your company’s website is essential for attracting top talent. By showcasing your company culture, career opportunities, benefits, and achievements, you can make a strong impression on job seekers. At Masthead Technology, we specialize in creating websites that effectively communicate your employer brand and attract the best candidates. Contact us today to learn how we can help you build a website that meets the needs of job seekers and supports your recruitment goals.


What information do job seekers look for on a company’s website? Job seekers look for information about company culture, career opportunities, employee testimonials, benefits, company achievements, the application process, contact information, and social media links.

Why is showcasing company culture important on a website? Showcasing company culture helps job seekers understand what it’s like to work at your company, which can attract candidates who align with your values and work environment.

How can employee testimonials benefit your recruitment efforts? Employee testimonials provide authentic insights into your company and can build trust with potential candidates, making them more likely to apply.

What are some unique perks that can attract job seekers? Unique perks can include flexible working hours, remote work options, wellness programs, professional development opportunities, and any other benefits that set your company apart.

Why is a user-friendly application process important? A user-friendly application process encourages more candidates to apply by reducing barriers and making it easy to complete and submit applications.