Why We Use Gravity Forms - the Best-In-Class WordPress Form Plugin

Why We Use Gravity Forms – the Best-In-Class WordPress Form Plugin

Creating forms is an essential aspect of managing a WordPress website, whether it’s for collecting customer feedback, generating leads, processing orders, or managing event registrations. Among the many form builder plugins available for WordPress, Gravity Forms stands out as the best-in-class solution. At Masthead Technology, we trust Gravity Forms for its robust features, ease of use, and extensive customization options. Here’s why Gravity Forms is the top choice for building forms on your WordPress site.

1. Advanced Features that Other Form Builders Lack

Conditional Logic:

Gravity Forms includes advanced conditional logic, which allows you to create dynamic forms that change based on user input. This means you can show or hide fields, sections, or entire pages based on the choices users make, providing a more personalized and streamlined experience.

Multi-Page Forms:

For lengthy forms, Gravity Forms supports multi-page form creation. You can break down complex forms into manageable sections, improving user experience and reducing form abandonment rates.

File Uploads:

Need users to upload files? Gravity Forms handles file uploads effortlessly. Whether it’s resumes for job applications, images for contests, or documents for project submissions, this feature covers it all.

3. Seamless, Native Integrations and APIs

Email Marketing:

Gravity Forms integrates seamlessly with popular email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, and Constant Contact. This integration allows you to automatically add form submissions to your email lists, ensuring no leads are lost.

CRM and Workflow:

The plugin also integrates with leading CRM systems like HubSpot, Salesforce, and Zoho CRM. These integrations help you manage leads and streamline your workflow by automatically sending form data to your CRM.

Payment Gateways:

For e-commerce sites, Gravity Forms supports integrations with major payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and Authorize.Net. You can easily create order forms, accept donations, and process payments securely.

2. Customization Options

Styling and Design:

Gravity Forms is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor the look and feel of your forms to match your website’s branding. You can use CSS to style forms or leverage pre-built themes and templates to ensure consistency across your site.

Add-Ons and Extensions:

The plugin’s extensive library of add-ons and extensions expands its functionality even further. Whether you need to integrate with payment gateways, CRMs, email marketing services, or other third-party applications, Gravity Forms has an add-on to meet your needs.

Gravity Wiz Addons:

We will admit, there are some functionalities that the Gravity Forms team hasn’t created. Enter Gravity Wiz, a Gravity Forms addon that provides ~50 additional functionalities for Gravity Forms, in addition to thousands of snippets to achieve other functions that don’t exist in the core Gravity Forms plugin.

4. Robust Security

Data Protection:

Gravity Forms prioritizes data protection and security. The plugin includes built-in spam protection features like reCAPTCHA, Akismet, and honeypot, ensuring that your forms are secure from spam submissions.


For businesses that need to comply with data protection regulations like GDPR, Gravity Forms provides the necessary tools to ensure your forms collect and handle data in a compliant manner. This includes features for adding consent checkboxes and managing data deletion requests.

5. Excellent Support and Community

Documentation and Tutorials:

Gravity Forms offers comprehensive documentation and tutorials to help you get the most out of the plugin. Whether you’re just getting started or need advanced tips, the resources available are extensive and easy to follow.

Active Community:

With a large and active user community, you can find plenty of forums, discussion groups, and third-party tutorials to assist you. This community support is invaluable for troubleshooting issues and discovering new ways to use the plugin.

Customer Support:

Gravity Forms provides excellent customer support, with a dedicated team ready to assist you with any questions or issues you might encounter. Their support includes email assistance, and for higher-tier plans, priority support is available.

6. Scalability and Performance

Optimized for Speed:

Gravity Forms is optimized for performance, ensuring that your forms load quickly and efficiently. This is crucial for maintaining a good user experience and minimizing abandonment rates.

Scalable Solutions:

Whether you’re running a small blog or a large e-commerce site, Gravity Forms scales with your needs. The plugin is designed to handle high traffic and large volumes of submissions without compromising performance.


Gravity Forms is the best-in-class WordPress plugin for building forms, offering a perfect blend of user-friendly design, advanced features, customization options, and seamless integrations. Its robust security measures, excellent support, and scalability make it the top choice for businesses of all sizes. At Masthead Technology, we rely on Gravity Forms to create powerful, efficient, and secure forms for our clients. Contact us today to learn how we can help you leverage Gravity Forms to enhance your website’s functionality and user experience.

For information on custom styling Gravity Forms, see our posts on How to Style Gravity Forms Submit Button, How to Style Gravity Forms Radio Buttons, and  How to Style Gravity Forms Checkbox.


What makes Gravity Forms the best form builder for WordPress? Gravity Forms offers a user-friendly interface, advanced features like conditional logic and multi-page forms, extensive customization options, seamless integrations, robust security, excellent support, and scalability.

Can I use Gravity Forms to create multi-page forms? Yes, Gravity Forms supports multi-page form creation, allowing you to break down complex forms into manageable sections.

Is Gravity Forms secure? Yes, Gravity Forms includes built-in spam protection features and tools to ensure compliance with data protection regulations, making it a secure choice for form building.

What integrations does Gravity Forms offer? Gravity Forms integrates with email marketing platforms, payment gateways, CRM systems, and many other third-party applications.

How does Gravity Forms help with data protection compliance? Gravity Forms provides tools for adding consent checkboxes, managing data deletion requests, and ensuring your forms collect and handle data in compliance with regulations like GDPR.